Sponsored Walk & Run 2023
Saturday 23rd September 2023
Help Nicolas Robinson School keep educating the students
following the tragic war and blockade in the region
Goal: CHF60,000

We raise funds through sponsorship. Either participate on the day, in Horgen, joining in the sponsored walk, or any activity of your choosing in your own neighbourhood.
During the evening of 23rd September 2023 we
celebrate the fundraisers
review progress at the Nicolas Robinson School.
Draw the Raffle prize winners - sold online prior to the event
run a live tombola of locally sourced prizes
enjoy a BBQ and entertainment and the chance to meet friends, old and new!
Register for the walk and dinner here (please donate CHF 60 for adults and CHF 30 for children for the dinner)
Download more information about the event here

Other ideas for sponsorship, if you are unable to join the walk
Examples: –
Run/walk a marathon!
Wear rainbow colours
Three-legged walk
Walk backwards
Cycle or swim
Climb a mountain!
This young supporter did a triathlon for us